Preview - click to view the result. Adjust settings and click Preview again until you are satisfied with the result

Seed - defines a seed value for randomizing. Different seed values generates different variations.

For fast Seed changing use arrows at the left of the Preview button. They allow to increase or decrease Seed value to 1 unit and make a preview at the same time.

- Clear all generated books. Click Preview again to regenerate books.

Preset - you can use predefined presets or create your own with this option.

Default  - reset all settings to default. It is the only preset that also changes your shelf properties to predefined default values

Preset 1, 2, 3 - predefined presets for Quantity, Alignment, Leaning, Horizontal and Flipped books options

Generate random!  - generates random settings for Quantity, Alignment, Leaning, Horizontal and Flipped books options.

New preset - save current user settings to a new preset. This setting doesn't save settings from Shelf properties section.

Delete preset - opens the list of all user presets to delete them

OK - close Bookmanager and save the result.

Cancel - close Bookmanager without saving the result. It removes everything created by Bookmanager.