This section defines settings for placing books horizontally.

- turns on/off this section

Shelves number - sets number of shelves in percents that have horizontal books, where 0% means no shelf have horizontal books and 100% means that all shelves have horizontal books

Min stacks / Max stacks slider - sets number of Horizontal books stacks on a shelf, where Min stacks means one stack and Max means maximum number of stacks that could fill the shelf.

Stacks random - add randomness to number of Horizontal books stacks on different shelves. Where 0% means that all shelves will have the same stacks number and 100% means that all shelves will have random stacks number.

Min height / Max height slider - set height of Horizontal stacks, where Min height - means one book and Max height means the whole Shelf height.

Height random - add randomness to Horizontal stacks height on different shelves, where 0% means that all Horizontal books will have the same height settings and 100% randomness means that Horizontal books stacks will have different height settings.

Angle random - add randomness to Horizontal books rotation, where 0% means that Horizontal books are not rotated and 100% randomness means that Horizontal books will be rotated at an angle between -180° to 180°.

Shift random - add shift randomness to Horizontal books, where 0% means that all Horizontal books are not shifted and 100% randomness means that Horizontal books are randomly shifted from their centers to the maximum distance along X and Y axises.

Quantity - set the number of books that will be rotated or shifted due to Angle randomness and Shift randomness settings.