This section defines settings for placing books in series.

- turns on/off this section

Bookmanager uses two methods to define books series:

Define by color - Bookmanager defines books series by the same object color. Script analyzes objects colors and grouped together those that have the same color. This method allows to set series very fast, because all you need is to select books that you want to be series and set them unique color.

Define by symbols in name - Bookmanager defines books series by the same symbols in their names. The number spinner allows to specify amount of symbols that script should analyze. It means that books from one series not necessary should have the exact same names, but just first specified number of symbols. Example: you have a scene with 6 books with the names:







You need to specify 8,9 or 10 in this option to have 3 series with 2 books each. If you specify 6 or 7, than there will only 2 series because black and blue books will be defined as 1 series. If you define 5 or less than there will only one series with all books in it, because 5 symbols of all books are the same.

Uniform distribution - allows to create a uniform series distribution. By default when series are placed to the shelf, some of the series could be divided into parts between rows or columns. This option gives the ability to avoid it.

Rearrange books inside - turns on random distribution inside a series

Custom series - by default script places a series with number of books that equal to the number of source books. The button Create custom series allows to create series with custom number of books.

Min books / Max books - defines minimum and maximum numbers of books in a custom series. If the number of source books is less than the Min/Max value, books are cloned to complete the series. If the number of source books are more than Min/Max value then script randomly uses the needed amount of books. This option allows you to create series from small number of books or even from just a one.